Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Twas the Night before Christmas Future

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the world,
Not a smartphone was silent, not even a Bold.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with glee,
In hopes that there are filled with Tablets and Apple TV.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of iPhones danced in their heads.
Mamma playing with her Google TV, and I with my Roku,
We just settled in for a long night of streaming Hulu.

When out on the Net, arose a battle on Twitter,
I logged into my Android to participate in the chatter.
Away to Facebook I flew like Adobe to Flash,
Tore open my status and threw out a blast.

With my bandwidth on the verge of rising to heaven,
It gave me the lustre of HTML5 running on IE7.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a Blackberry Playbook running everything, even AIR.

With a new device in hand, so lively and quick,
I logged into Foursquare in just a few clicks.
More rapid than scope creep, my friends appeared online,
And we chatted about the future of mobile design.

"Now Android! now, Apple! now, RIM and Nokia!
On, VIA! On, Roku! on iPad and Revue!
Off “To the Cloud!”, To the top of my Netflix Queue!
We knew the world would be changing, for me and for you.

Always focus on the user and develop engaging apps,
We pondered the verge of a technology collapse.
Where will we be in 6 months, a year or even more?
Will all of my devices be for sale, in a local antique store?

And then, in a twinkling, I spawned an idea,
A vision of tomorrow, so far but so near.
As I saw in my head, and heard in my ear,
Our future is endless, a bold new frontier.

The innovation was changing, for good or for bad,
The consumer of evolution, for all to be had.
From apps to devices, from movies to TV,
The merge is inevitable, for all of us to see.

One device for everything, as the platforms come free,
An Android PC with an iPhone TV ?
Many displays to connect, many outputs to support,
Internet replaces cable as the new media court.

Our smartphones will rule, all power in one device,
Our massive TVs streaming media, naughty and nice.
Cable rendered useless with each passing year,
Our choices get simpler, as we live without fear.

The software is ready, the users will come,
Prepare to innovate for all, not just for one.
A revolution in platforms, as we stand proud and tall,
Our content rendered relevant, to one and to all.

Experience remains focused, on the end user,
The apps will take shape with each function and gesture.
The change is innovation, a gift not a curse,
As your backpack is replaced, with a pocket or purse.

As I look to my kids, both spoiled and loud,
Users of the future, device savvy and proud.
Under the tree lies innovation, that is soon to ignite,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

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